NCUEE-NLP at MEDIQA 2021: Health Question Summarization Using PEGASUS Transformers

Lung-Hao Lee, Po-Han Chen, Yu-Xiang Zeng, Po-Lei Lee, and Kuo-Kai Shyu.

In Proceedings of the 20th SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing(BioNLP’21), pages. 268-272.


This study describes the model design of the NCUEE-NLP system for the MEDIQA challenge at the BioNLP 2021 workshop. We use the PEGASUS transformers and fine-tune the downstream summarization task using our collected and processed datasets. A total of 22 teams participated in the consumer health question summarization task of MEDIQA 2021. Each participating team was allowed to submit a maximum of ten runs. Our best submission, achieving a ROUGE2-F1 score of 0.1597, ranked third among all 128 submissions.