最新消息 News

September 26, 2024 : 恭賀團隊成員林孜彌與吳昱昕,參與「CLEF 2024 PAN Lab 多作者寫作風格分析國際競賽」Hard-level 獲第一名、Medium-level 獲第二名。

September 21, 2024 : Congratulations Hsiu-Min, Tzu-Mi, Yu-Wen, and Jung-Ying for their work accepted by O-COCOSDA 2024.

July 8, 2024 : 恭賀團隊成員林孜彌與邱承亞,參與「SemEval 2024 Task 2 臨床試驗生醫語言推論國際競賽」並列第一名。

June 28, 2024 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi, Zhe-Yu, and Jian-Yu for their work accepted by WASSA 2024.

June 25, 2024 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi and Yu-Hsin for their work accepted by PAN 2024.

March 19, 2024 : Congratulations Chen-Ya and Tzu-Mi for their work accepted by SemEval 2024.

January 1, 2024 : We have a new lab logo! Our new lab website is available online at

December 15, 2023 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi and Man-Chen for their work accepted by ACM TALLIP.

September 9, 2023 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi and Chao-Yi for their work accepted by ROCLING 2023.

July 18, 2023 : 恭賀團隊成員陳昭沂與楊仁豪,參與「BioLaySumm 2023 Task 2 生醫論文簡明摘要國際競賽」並列第一名。 媒體報導

July 18, 2023 : 恭賀團隊成員林孜彌、張容瑛與曾郁雯,參與「WASSA 2023 Task 1 同理心情感預測國際競賽」榮獲第一名。

July 18, 2023 : 恭賀團隊成員鄭元皓、楊仁豪與田高源,參與「SemEval 2023 Task 8 醫療因果陳述辨識國際競賽」榮獲第二名。

June 8, 2023 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi and Jung-Ying for their work accepted by WASSA 2023.

May 29, 2023 : Congratulations Chao-Yi and Jen-Hao for their work accepted by BioNLP 2023.

April 13, 2023 : Congratulations Chao-Yi, Kao-Yuan, and Yuan-Hao for their work accepted by SemEval 2023.

April 13, 2023 : Congratulations Yuan-Hao, Jen-Hao, and Kao-Yuan for their work accepted by SemEval 2023.

September 14, 2022 : 恭賀團隊成員林孜彌、陳昭沂與曾郁雯,參與「PAN 2022 寫作風格比對國際競賽」榮獲第一名。 媒體報導

August 24, 2022 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi, Chao-Yi and Yu-Wen, for their work accepted by SMM4H 2022.

July 18, 2022 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi and Chao-Yi, for their work accepted by ICCE 2022.

June 22, 2022 : Congratulations Tzu-Mi, Chao-Yi and Yu-Wen, for their work accepted by CLEF 2022.

April 15, 2022 : Congratulations Chien-Huan and Tzu-Mi, for their work accepted by SemEval 2022.

January 1, 2022 : We have a new lab logo. New are the hopes and aspirations, new are the resolutions, new are the spirits and new is the year!

December 2, 2021 : 恭賀高浩銓榮獲台灣網路智能學會109年度最佳碩士論文獎

November 10, 2021 : Congratulations Yuh-Shyang and Chao-Yi, for their work accepted by IEEE Access.

October 25, 2021 : Congratulations Chang-Hao, for his work accepted by European Psychiatry.

October 7, 2021 : 恭賀團隊成員陳昭沂與陳柔安,榮獲「國立中央大學資訊電機學院109學年度專題成果競賽」佳作。

September 29, 2021 : Congratulations Jian-Hong, for his work accepted by ACM TALLIP

July 19, 2021 : 恭賀團隊成員曾昱翔、盧建寰、陳柏翰、陳昌浩與陳品蓉,參與「教育部人工智慧競賽 AI CUP 2021 – 醫病訊息決策與對話語料分析- 春季賽:醫病決策預判與問答」榮獲優等獎。

July 19, 2021 : Congratulations Man-Chen, Chao-Yi and Rou-An, for their work accepted by ICCE 2021

June 23, 2021 : 恭賀團隊成員陳柏翰與曾昱翔,參與「MEDIQA 2021 醫療問題摘要國際競賽」榮獲第三名。 媒體報導

May 15, 2021 : 恭賀團隊成員陳昭沂與陳柔安,參與「國立中央大學電機工程學系109學年度大學部專題競賽」獲第七名。

April 14, 2021 : Congratulations Po-Han, and Yu-Xiang, for their work accepted by BioNLP 2021

April 2, 2021 : Congratulations Man-Chen, Chien-Huan, and Chang-Hao, for their work accepted by #SMM4H 2021

January 25, 2021 : 恭賀團隊成員鄭少鈞、陳昌浩、洪滿珍、盧建寰與曾昱翔,參與「教育部人工智慧競賽 AI CUP 2020 – 愛文芒果五類不良品分類競賽」獲前標獎項。

January 08, 2021 : 恭賀團隊成員陳昌浩、陳柏翰與鄭少鈞,參與「教育部人工智慧競賽 AI CUP 2020 – 醫病訊息決策與對話語料分析秋季賽:醫病資料去識別化」獲前標獎項。

December 25, 2020 : Congratulations Yi Lu, for his work accepted by IEEE JBHI

December 16, 2020 : 恭賀盧毅榮獲台灣網路智能學會108年度最佳碩士論文獎

September 28, 2020 : 恭賀盧毅榮獲第32屆自然語言與語音處理研討會(ROCLING 2020)最佳論文獎

September 02, 2020 : Congratulations Po-Han, Hao-Chuan, and Ting-Chun, for their work accepted by #SMM4H 2020

August 08, 2020 : Congratulations Yuh-Shyang, Po-Chen, and Chih-Te, for their work accepted by ICCE 2020

August 05, 2019 : Congratulations to Wun-Syuan, Jian-Hong, and Yu-Chi, for their work accepted by ICCE 2019

June 01, 2019 : Congratulations Yi Lu and Po-Han, for their work accepted by BioNLP 2019

March 13, 2019 : 恭賀團隊成員盧毅與王昱翔,參與「教育部人工智慧競賽 AI CUP 2018 – 生醫論文自動分析熱身賽」獲前標獎項。

October 29, 2018 : 恭賀團隊成員林郁綺、吳玟萱、李奎慶,榮獲國家教育研究院2018華語文教學應用軟體競賽第二名。

September 10, 2018 : Our lab website is available online at